533. An Inconvenient Sequel - Truth To Power; movie review
Cert PG
98 mins
BBFC advice: Contains brief images of aftermath of conflict and ecological disasters
How different would the world have been if it wasn't for hanging and pregnant chads?
Back in 2000, the American Supreme Court decided the presidential election by making a judgment over some punched card ballots where there were no holes but visible indentations.
These partially punched chads were either "hanging", where one or more corners were still attached, or "pregnant", where all corners were still attached, but an indentation appeared to have been made.
Anyway, the dispute over whether these cards should count reflected how close Al Gore was to becoming president instead of George W. Bush.
If he had been, there is no doubt that we would have been much further forward in the battle against the climate change which threatens the future of our planet.
Gore has worldwide respect for his passion for the environment but, sadly, he does not receive such universal acclaim at home in the United States.
I remember Bush labelling him 'Mr Ozone' during their election battle and then discontinuing some of the work Gore had accomplished as vice-president.
The ridiculous Donald Trump has gone even further by denying climate change and abandoning the Paris accord.
In response, Gore has released the sequel to And Inconvenient Truth - his film of a decade ago.
This follows recent world events, leading up to the Paris accord and beyond, set against Gore’s campaigning over many decades.
Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk’s film shows how Gore is widening his message through training to climate change advocates. Indeed, much of the movie comprises of him imparting his passion and experience.
In addition, to the backdrop of hair-raising worldwide natural disasters, Gore is seen trying to cajole leaders towards a climate change agenda.
There are moments of temporary triumph but these are laced with disheartening setbacks from those who are ignoring the evidence.
Perhaps, they should watch this film with an open mind, wake up and smell the coffee - for the sake of future generations.
Reasons to watch: a thorough analysis of the latest climate change threat
Reasons to avoid: the light shines a little too brightly on Al Gore
Laughs: none
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 8/10
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Cert PG
98 mins
How different would the world have been if it wasn't for hanging and pregnant chads?
Back in 2000, the American Supreme Court decided the presidential election by making a judgment over some punched card ballots where there were no holes but visible indentations.
These partially punched chads were either "hanging", where one or more corners were still attached, or "pregnant", where all corners were still attached, but an indentation appeared to have been made.
Anyway, the dispute over whether these cards should count reflected how close Al Gore was to becoming president instead of George W. Bush.
If he had been, there is no doubt that we would have been much further forward in the battle against the climate change which threatens the future of our planet.
Gore has worldwide respect for his passion for the environment but, sadly, he does not receive such universal acclaim at home in the United States.
The ridiculous Donald Trump has gone even further by denying climate change and abandoning the Paris accord.
In response, Gore has released the sequel to And Inconvenient Truth - his film of a decade ago.
This follows recent world events, leading up to the Paris accord and beyond, set against Gore’s campaigning over many decades.
Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk’s film shows how Gore is widening his message through training to climate change advocates. Indeed, much of the movie comprises of him imparting his passion and experience.
In addition, to the backdrop of hair-raising worldwide natural disasters, Gore is seen trying to cajole leaders towards a climate change agenda.
There are moments of temporary triumph but these are laced with disheartening setbacks from those who are ignoring the evidence.
Perhaps, they should watch this film with an open mind, wake up and smell the coffee - for the sake of future generations.
Reasons to watch: a thorough analysis of the latest climate change threat
Reasons to avoid: the light shines a little too brightly on Al Gore
Laughs: none
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 8/10
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A challenge this holiday. In that quiet period between Xmas & New Year, when life is quieter, gather your families and watch An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. It might just motivate resolutions that help protect our fragile planet:
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