Ramblings of Ryan Volume 9

Before the dark times, before the Disney Empire.

So...in the past three months I've only put out two movie reviews. That is pitiful! At first it was just a combination of being tired from work and laziness. And it didn't help when I began a series to review but lost interest halfway in (as was the case for "Home Alone"). However, when I watched that abomination, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," it pretty much killed my interest altogether. Seeing my favorite franchise--a movie series that shaped my writing style and thinking since I was a kid--so thoroughly ruined and destroyed...it was hard to take. Not to mention, the overwhelming incompetence in the writing and agenda-driven storytelling made me indescribably angry. Believe me, I could have written a helluva lot more in my review listing the nearly endless problems with TLJ. This single movie nearly brought my love of film to an end. Then I remembered to stop being a little bitch and have decided to carry on. I will try to get back to my usual quantity of reviews from here on out.

Connected to more reviews is that I've signed up for a service called MoviePass. Now, don't take this as any kind of endorsement. I'm just stating that the current deal is too good for me to ignore and will probably result in a lot more of my reviews incorporating new releases. As it stands, I pay $10 a month to see a movie a day. That's a ridiculous deal to me. There aren't that many good movies out to fully utilize the deal, however, it'll provide me the chance to watch things I'd typically skip over at the theatrical level. Even if they bump up the price to $20-30, it's still worth it; anything beyond that price I'd cancel though.

With February coming up, I'll see what chick flicks I can scrounge up this time around. I've mostly filled the movie void with playing PS4 so I'll have to switch gears. Good thing I'm just about done with beating "Final Fantasy VII" for the first time in over a decade. Still as incredible as the first time though! Also, I need to start thinking about a good lineup for May's Asian horror month. I haven't reviewed nearly enough Asian movies lately. As always, if anyone has a suggestion, feel free to send it to me!

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