76. You Have No Idea How Much I Love You (awet nie wiesz, jak bardzo cie kocham); movie review

Cert TBA
81 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

And the award for the longest title in everyfilm's seven-year history goes to....
Fortunately, that will not be the only reason I will remember Pawel Lozinski's remarkable You Have No Idea How Much I Love You.
This is a stunning account of the breakdown of the relationship between a daughter and her mother, told through a therapy session.
It stars real-life Polish psychotherapist Bogdan de Barbaro who listens and interprets the quietly emotional outpourings of Eva and Hanna.
Very gradually, the story of their estrangement emerges as does their doubts over reconciliation.
Lozinski's film is set in a therapist's room with cameras trained so closely on the faces of the participants that I feel I am intimate with every flaw and hair.
De Barbaro is an unwavering referee, never giving in to the tears of his charges as he delves deeply into their background and psyches.
The two women (Hanna Maciag and Ewa Szymczyk) are so convincing that, I wondered whether these are real therapy sessions despite, logic telling me they could not possibly be.
In fact, it transpires that they are improvising and leaning on periods of their own individual experience.
No matter. Their performances are so good that at no point did I think they were not mother and daughter and, consequently, I believed they had been awful to each other.
However, the therapist looks beyond the ugliness and seeks even the thinnest of threads to improve their self-esteem, happiness and maybe even start bringing them closer together.
You Have No Idea... could easily be a three-hand theatre piece.
It is stark and powerful and, at 81 minutes, easily digestible. It is different to any movie I will see this year and I doubt many will be more emotional.

Reasons to watch: Drills into family estrangement like no other movie I have seen
Reasons to avoid: It is a therapy session - no more, no less

Laughs: none
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Director quote - Pawel Lozinski: "I was behind the camera. I was not the director of sessions. The director of sessions is Mr de Barbaro. He is the one that asks Ewa to stop crying her sea of tears. This was his job."

The big question: What was the real background to which the actresses reached?

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