Ready Player One Review

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: In a future where the internet has been turned into a virtual game universe, a group of friends must overcome a series of quests to prevent a maniacal corporation from gaining control over the world!

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Review: Although I thoroughly enjoyed the book of the same name, there was something that always bugged me about "Ready Player One." Upon watching this movie, I realized what the book had been missing: that '80s, feel-good tone. The book is full of nostalgia yet it has the perspective and tone of modern YA novels. On the other hand, the movie version feels more in line with how an '80s story would unfold. The icing on the cake is that many of my personal gripes, like how annoying Art3mis was, have been fixed. I dare say the vision for what this story should be was better realized in film format over the book. Yeah, I'm going there.

I'll try to keep book and movie comparisons to a minimum since the two should stand alone independently of the other. So, the story has been simplified yet the action greatly enhanced for a wider audience. Rather than bombarding the viewer with "remember that" moments, we just get a ton of background dressing that you can point at and say "hey, that's (fill in the blank)." Obviously a visual medium works better for this, but it allows casual and geeky audiences to appreciate things equally. In other words, while everyday people will see big references you will have little details like a pin a character is wearing for the hardcore to notice on repeat viewings. And I think people will want to see the movie multiple times due to the fun factor. The three major challenges are exciting and spice things up more than the book did since it's more varied and intense. The characters have been made archetypal, however, this makes them more likable especially when working as a group. We don't get that awkward bullshit with Aech, for example, like we did in the book. Of note is that Wade is like an everyman now, and Art3mis is less of a tease, drama queen. These character dynamics work well and help endear the audience to them.

Visually, the film delivers beyond just the cool references. I was worried with how they would differentiate between OASIS and the real world, but it blends seamlessly. Another point that was done considerably well was providing a lot of information to the audience but in the right doses so as not to overwhelm an individual. This future seemed more plausible than the book since life didn't just stand still with '80s's more about escapism and fantasy.  Although the romance between Wade and Art3mis is rushed, it still came off as possible due to the events and '80s-inspired charm. I guess you don't mind it as much with a more innocent tone to the story. Likewise, I'm glad that none of the main kids died for the movie version. Truly sealing the deal is the huge war at the end that was even more satisfying than I had envisioned when reading the book. The licensing fees alone had to be incredible! I mean, some references are just down to the weapons the characters use or someone's avatar you see for one second. Love it.

Don't get me wrong, the film still has its faults. The premise is still heavily dependent on references to other franchises to invoke a reaction from audiences. This is effective, of course, but is still a cheap way to win people over. As mentioned, the romance is rushed way too much. Others might not like the tamer and simplified version of the events despite a wholesome vibe befitting the '80s; likewise, moments can feel overly cheesy and cornball. While the story beats of the book are matched, the amount of changes are considerable which might piss off the book fans. Lastly, there are just plenty of contrived moments that some may or may not be as forgiving with as I was.

All things considered, "Ready Player One" is a great adventure that is full of nostalgia and fun. Although it takes great inspiration from other sources, it doesn't feel like a copy. Not only does the story pay tribute to the '80s, but it captures that attitude and approach to storytelling apropos to the era. You want to see everything work out for the heroes and are still satisfied when things go exactly as you expect. The running time is a bit long but the pacing is solid between jumping from each major set piece. The epic final battle is amazing and worth the price of admission alone. Sure, there are problems throughout and there are plenty of cliches, but the film is still enjoyable even for those who don't care one bit about the '80s. I'd definitely recommend checking this out one way or another.

Notable Moment: The entire final battle but especially when we see the original mobile suit Gundam go up against Mechagodzilla. This battle was a moment I was hoping they would do justice toward and it was amazing!

Final Rating: 8/10

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