185. The Wound (Inxeba); movie review

Cert 15
88 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong sex, language, drugs misuse

However many films I watch, I know that one which will really surprise and stir me is just around the corner.
And here it is... The Wound - John Trengove's film which surrounds a city boy (Niza Jay) who is thrown out of his comfort zone into the mountains to be part of a traditional South African initiation into manhood.
There, aside of healing the wound caused by very primitive circumcision, he has to go through several rites of passage.
To ease him through, he is assigned a 'caregiver' (Nakhane Toure) who is called to the annual pilgrimage to carry out the same job every year.
The added intrigue is that both initiate and caregiver are gay in a community which frowns upon sexuality outside of their societal norms.
In addition, the 'caregiver' has been involved in an illicit relationship with the initiation group's alpha male (Bongile Mantsai).
The contrast of the same-sex love interest against the demand of the elders for youths to turn into he-men could not be more stark.
Trengove's movie is all the more powerful because of its setting - in terms of both the centuries-old ceremonies and the startling landscape.
But in modern South Africa, it seems out of kilter than such an introduction to manhood is still part of the culture - albeit in the sticks.
And, in a country in which the masses have fought for equality, the attitude towards gay men is even more surprising.
The Wound is thoughtful but disturbing and benefits from a cast who are so natural that, at times, it felt like a documentary.
I was so immersed that I felt myself wincing several times, prompted by both harsh deeds and words.
The irony of it being played out in the rainbow nation was certainly not lost on me after watching a movie which was unique and riveting.

Reasons to watch: A compelling moral tale in a very unusual setting
Reasons to avoid: It is quite disturbing at times

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Director quote - John Trengove: "It is a story we really wanted to tell because it is a story about same sex desire within a traditional African context."

The big question - Will gay people ever be fully accepted in the world?

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