186. Duck Duck Goose; movie review

Cert PG
91 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild threat, rude humour

Saturday pre-match entertainment is most often a pint of real ale which washes down pub food and chips.
However, this week I was alone on my trip to Cheltenham so, after being enraptured by Julie Andrews in The Sound Of Music on the bus, I nipped off to Cineworld for Duck Duck Goose.
Yes, I would usually have tried to avoid such an obvious kids-only show on a Saturday morning but this is one of the box office hits of the year so far so I needed to know why.
I am none the wiser. Duck Duck Goose is average childrens' fare but, with the exception of a couple of fart jokes, didn't prompt the youngsters to laugh as much as I expected.
Christopher Jenkins' animation is set in China (it is produced by a Chinese animation company) from where geese are migrating before snow falls.
I had been under the misapprehension that such migrations are over many thousands of miles to a different hemisphere but, in this case, they are just around the corner to a place called 'the haven'.
Anyway, a cocky goose called Peng (voiced by Jim Gaffigan) is left behind when he injures himself and, through quirks of fate, finds himself looking after two ducklings (Zendaya and Lance Lim).
The unlikely combo gradually build up trust enough to save themselves from some hair-raising near misses and, after initial suspicion, become best pals.
Duck Duck Goose includes the voice work of luminaries such as Stephen Fry, Jennifer Grey and Carl Reiner but I am afraid that they don't have a script which gives them chance to show off their range.
It is a light film which would be a decent diversion for young children from a rainy day but no more.

Reasons to watch: Light comedy cartoon for younger children
Reasons to avoid: Not enough laughs (except the fart jokes)

Laughs: None from me - a few chuckles from the kids
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

The big question - How far do geese actually fly to emigrate?

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