340. Pitbull - Last Dog (Pitbull - Ostatni Pies); movie review

Cert 15
124 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong bloody violence, language, sex, drugs misuse

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Two years ago, I wrote of Pitbull - Tough Women: "It tries to cover too many bases too quickly when a more thoughtful exploration of storyline and characters would have given it greater incision."
Magnify that thought times ten for Last Dog - the final part of the Pitbull trilogy which moves at such speed that Mrs W and I were left utterly bewildered.
I have to be honest and confess that I struggle to remember 6/10 movies so, despite having seen two previous Pitbulls in 2016, this one came as fresh.
But they must have been better in my eyes because this was a 3/10 film which was almost impossible to follow.
Blood, gore and female thighs are as equally plentiful in Wladyslaw Pasikowski's movie as they have been in many of the brutal Polish films which have been screened at mainstream cinemas over recent years.
Last Dog stars Marcin Dorocinski as an undercover cop who goes very near to the edge as he infiltrates criminal gangs to nail the killer of a fellow police officer.
That makes the storyline sound much simpler than it is. It took me a good while to work that out while the movie shot off a myriad bloody tangents.
People come and people go, usually in a body bag, until is a question of who is still standing.
We stuck it out for more than two hours but this trilogy finale was a test of stamina rather than an enjoyable cinematic experience.
In fact, if there was any acting, it must have been submerged beneath the volleys of gunfire, explosions and cleavages.
In a summer of poor movies, this was among the worst.

Reasons to watch: If you are into quickfire violence and misogyny
Reasons to avoid: It is almost impossible to follow

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating 3/10

Director quote - Wladyslaw Pasikowski: “I will have to live up to both the impressive financial success of the new Pitbull films and a legendary TV series from 2005.”

The big question - Do these films really represent Polish sensitivities?

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