Updated Review #23: Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: Ignoring the events of parts 4-6, Michael has miraculously returned after twenty years to kill Laurie.

Review: Just let that full title sink in for a second...Halloween Halloween 20: 20 Years Later. What the fuck? I get that this film has its defenders and fans alike, however, I am not one of them. Rather than trying to be a legitimate sequel to the franchise, "H20" is closer to a "Scream" clone than anything. Hell, they even did a nod whereby they're watching "Halloween" in "Scream," and the characters here are watching "Scream 2." This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that the filmmakers used the same writing and filming techniques of the "Scream" series to create "H20." My main gripes this time around are that Michael does little and the story is nonsensical. Oh, sure, other installments introduced fantastical plot lines that were stupid, but "H20" pulled the same bullshit while claiming to go back to basics. Yeaaaah, okaaaay.

Despite the cornball nature of the opening act, I do like the initial kills, Michael searching for Laurie's whereabouts, and the proper tribute to Loomis. The first time I saw "H20" I thought it would be something extraordinary since it started off strongly. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for the story to spiral into idiocy. Laurie being traumatized from the events of parts 1 and 2 is reasonable, and her gaining the courage to face Michael is an interesting direction to take the story. While the final confrontation again Mikey is lackluster, Laurie going apeshit at the end works well. Likewise, her cutting off Michael's head would have served for a fitting and definitive defeat for Michael; though, part 2 was still infinitely better. Other than these positives, all I can add is that the general production is competent enough.

As for "H20's" failings? Oh, baby, where to even begin?! Most importantly, where the hell has Michael been for 20 years? Part 4 required you'd to suspend your disbelief as it were to believe that Michael and Loomis survived the explosion in part 2, but there were consequences to that. Here, Michael is completely unharmed and has seemingly been biding his time for TWENTY years doing...what...? The other entries, for better or worse, explained where Michael has been all the time, but "H20" says nope. Other than that, Michael simply isn't himself--he doesn't lurk in the shadows or even really kill anyone for that matter. The hair on his mask makes him appear like a clown and becomes CGI for one, horrific scene. Come to think of it...didn't Mikey wear the mechanic's suit and Shatner mask out of necessity? Why would he still be wearing the same outfit if, in this timeline, Mikey magically survived the fire of part 2? AND...has he been wearing it everyday for twenty years straight?!!! Finally, the filmmakers act like they removed all the supernatural shit while Mikey is doing impossible feats like slowly lowering himself from the ceiling with one hand. I mean, if he's that strong why can't he just rip Laurie limb from limb? And, if he can regrow his eyes and have no burns whatsoever from part 2, couldn't we assume he could regenerate his head after a decapitation anyhow? I'd say Michael could possibly be more powerful in this entry than any other which contradicts everything the filmmakers were trying to depict. Way to go.

Besides screwing up Michael, the characters here are just plain annoying. Laurie is acceptable, but did we really need three--yup, count 'em, THREE--horny characters? Oddly enough, they're the only characters who die outside of the opening act. But they aren't the only pains in the ass. I hate Josh Hartnett in everything, and he's a whiny bitch in this entry. Finally, the Ronny character is such a Scream-inspired creation it's painful to behold. This is not how you do a reboot.

Honestly, other than establishing the Michael vs Laurie plot line, "H20" is mediocre and fails to capture the essence of the franchise; and I don't even like Michael against Laurie as it is. While the movie starts off with potential, it goes downhill quickly. The running time is short which only highlights the lack of ideas presented. While I can overlook not continuing on after part 6 due to the zany antics, "H20" inadvertently creates an even more unbelievable version of Michael. The ending is decent with a final defeat of Michael, however, it felt unearned with "H20" never doing Michael justice or adequately building up to that kind of epic finale. I do understand why fans might enjoy this installment, and it does have its positives, but it does nothing special and acts too much like all the other ripoffs of "Scream" from this era. It's better than part 5 on a technical front, but I'd say they're on the same level from a story perspective.

Notable Moment: When we get the opening credit sequence with Loomis giving his classic lines. It wasn't actually Donald Pleasence, but I do appreciate this acknowledgement to the importance of Loomis in the series. Too bad the rest of this movie wasn't as respectful to the lore and characters.

Final Rating: 5.5/10

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