Updated Review #24: Halloween: Resurrection

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: After finally killing Laurie, Michael goes home to rest when he is disturbed by an internet show trying to film at his house.

Review: Ironic really that a film titled "Resurrection" would lead to the death of the franchise. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. This entry is more comical than serious, but I suppose, under the right light, this could be viewed as so bad it's good. I mean, just about every scene is laced with stupidity and poor decisions. No wonder they had to go the remake route after this abomination. Oh, sure, I do get a certain guilty pleasure from this entry, but I would never try to defend this trash. The only true positives I'd propose are the somewhat creative way of explaining away Michael's death in "H20," and the novelty to displaying characters who have no connection with Michael for the first time since (sort of) part 1. Other than these aspects, the lighting is decent inside the Myers house...but that's about it toward the positives.

So this movie made a huge ass mistake from the beginning by killing off Laurie in the opening act. One could claim she wasn't confirmed dead, but, still, this is moronic on multiple levels. Besides, why would Michael kill Laurie the day BEFORE Halloween?! That's not how Mikey works, people. And why did Michael wait a couple years again? They don't even bother acknowledging Laurie's son which is for the best, because did anyone really want Josh Hartnett to come back? This time around, we have an entire cast of Jar Jars running around that you will want to see die immediately. I feel as though many of these characters were created specifically to cater to the pothead crowd and other retards who would cheer seeing the cook guy try to fight Michael as well as the torturous Freddie character. And, goddamn, the Freddie character could be the worst character in this franchise which is saying something! He's so unbelievably annoying and idiotic--able to fight Michael fucking Myers because...he watches Kung Fu movies? Whaaaaat? To shamefully allow this character to not only survive but to be the one who defeats Michael is a disgrace to the entire "Halloween" legacy! You know what, fuck it...yes, Freddie is worse than Rob Zombie's Laurie. Freddie IS the worst character in the series. So there you go...trick or treat, MOTHER FUCKER!

It's tough to efficiently word why this trash is such shit except to say it looks and feels nothing like "Halloween." The story is flimsy with the internet show at the Myers house, yet, it could have worked on some level. Maybe if the show was set up by someone to actually trap and capture Michael with video evidence. Instead, the contrived nature of the story is painful with Michael seemingly about to take a vacation before idiots crash his party. Though, it is amusing that it took this godawful entry to try and explain Michael's whereabouts between 1978 and 1998 that "H20" couldn't be bothered to think up! Embarrassing.

I once heard that there was a plan to reveal the Sara character was actually Jamie and that all the sequels would become connected, but that would only create more plot holes. As it stands, this entry is terrible from start to finish. It MIGHT not be the worst entry in the series, but it sure as hell is a shitty movie and right at the bottom. The Freddie character is insufferable and ruins every scene he is in. The story is cookie-cutter with predictable outcomes and shenanigans that are not fun. While I do appreciate a few things others do not, and can see merit in trying to do something different with the series, this was not the right direction to go in. Again, as a friendly reminder, if you have that second case from the Blu-ray collection, be sure to throw it in the trash.

Notable Moment: When Freddie delivers that wonderful line, "Trick or treat, mother fucker!" Gotta say it every Halloween.

Final Rating: 4/10

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