448. The Workshop (L'atelier); movie review

Cert 15
114 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language

If I were to give a national award for films with the greatest subtlety, it would undoubtedly go to the French.
Sometimes their pauses for thought are too long and, therefore, defeat my meagre attention span but very often, as with The Workshop, they grip despite offering little obvious action.
Laurent Cantet's movie surrounds a group of young people who have taken a creative writing course with a well-known author (Marina Foïs).
The group is mixed in terms of background and commitment but the character who stands out in their debates is an intensely and opinionated lad (Matthieu Lucci).
During a difficult time in France, The Workshop attacks subjects such as disenfranchisement of youth and the reaction to the terrorist outrages at the Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo.
Central to its themes is the springboard the atrocities have given to right-wing views but also the vulnerability they have caused for those from ethnic minorities who were brought up in France.
Lucci's character, Antoine, is smart but confused by what is going on around him.
His initial reaction is to follow the path of his cousin and friends who are tempted by racist rhetoric.
However, he is complex, spending much time on his own, thinking about the violence and his own life decisions.
Lucci is excellent as Antoine - beautifully summing up the contradictions of a young man trying to find himself and yet struggling to challenge his own pre-conceived ideas.
He becomes such a malcontented mix that questions lurk over whether he could be dangerous to himself or others.
In the meantime, his directness prompts the author/teacher to question what she has taken as accepted norms. Indeed, she becomes magnetised by his individuality.
The Workshop comes to no great conclusions about the rise of terrorism and the right or about the lack of employment possibilities in once prosperous parts of France.
But it does touch upon these and other social issues without ramming them down the viewer's throat.
Some may say it lacks major touchpoints but I found it compelling.

Reasons to watch: Its simmering tension
Reasons to avoid: Takes to long to get going

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Bare bum
Overall rating: 7/10

Baca Juga

Director quote - Laurent Cantet: "Three years ago, just after Charlie Hebdo, I asked myself how it is to be 20 in such a world. I thought back to this idea of a workshop, and we started to work on that. "

The big question - How will our young be prevented from drifting to extremism?

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