461. Mayurakshi; movie review

Cert PG
102 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild sex references, language

Baca Juga

"The greatest nightmare of any parent is the death of a child and the greatest nightmare of any child is to see a parent losing their mind."
I heard that quote a couple of weeks ago and its resonance hit home even more when I caught up with Mayurakshi this week.
I have neglected Indian cinema in 2018 and so I am trying to redress the balance as the end of the everyfilm season approaches.
Atanu Ghosh's Bengali film centres on a son (Prosenjit Chatterjee ) who returns from the United States to visit his ailing father (Soumitra Chatterjee).
He is shocked to find that a once brilliant man has been diminished so much by the loss of a memory which deserts him more and more each day.
Therefore, the son sets about trying to find him the right treatment but also seeks to plug holes to help bolster the recollections on to which his father still clings
The movie concentrates on the sad fall of the father but also has time to pick up on the son's unsettled personal life.
It is a film which is deliberately slow and, consequently, will not be for everyone. However, the rewards of perseverance are two capitivating central performances.
I have seen dementia in elderly relatives so I know that Prosenjit Chatterjee's was totally believable - particularly the brief moments of lucidity.
As already suggested, the problem with storylines about dementia is that they have no spikes - the plot surrounds gradual deterioration in health and relationships.
It is sad and well portrayed but Mayurakshi doesn't offer anything which hasn't been represented many times in TV dramas.
Indeed, it felt more like a TV production than a big-screen movie.

Reasons to watch: A poignant examination of dementia
Reasons to avoid: Pretty slow going

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Director quote - Atanu Ghosh: “I know that Bengalis are often ribbed for making intellectual, melancholic films. But I do want to explore beyond the epidermis; serious art, serious cinema demands that.” 

The big question - Will there ever be a cure for dementia?

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