472. Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu; movie review

Cert TBA
118 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

Baca Juga

"Sir and madam, would you like casual racism to go with your homophobia and maybe a sprinkling of misogyny?"
Watching some Indian comedies is like stepping back into the ghastly days of the 1970s.
During Santhosh P. Jayakumar's Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu, there is a constant stream of jokes about sex and yet Indian sensitives mean that there is no nudity or even a kiss with tongues.
However, they don't hold back with treating women as sex objects, making baseline jokes about gay people and chucking in quips about folk with dark skin.
This would be bad enough if this film were remotely funny in any other aspect. Sadly, its storyline is utterly infantile.
Irrutu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu is labelled as an adult comedy horror film. I can't think of when such a combination has ever worked.
It implies sexiness (only 14-year-olds would think so), scares (there aren't any) and laughs (ditto).
The film stars Gautham Karthik as a young man with a false reputation as a womaniser who tries to impress an attractive marriage possibility (Vaibhavi Shandilya) on a trip to Thailand.
Meanwhile, he asks his pal (VJ Shaa Raa) to tag along and he also brings a girl (Yaashika Aannand) to make the numbers even and also in the hope of losing his virginity.
All seems well when they arrive at a luxury house but pretty soon they discover it is haunted by the ghost of a woman (Chandrika Ravi) who wants sex with a virgin.
Yep, that's the level of Jayakumar's film.
And the tone is lowered even further when an impersonator priest (Rajendran) and nun (Karunakaran) arrive.
Films such as this give the impression that Indian people are sexually repressed on a grand scale. Are they? Do they really find double entendres and jokes about condoms and quickies funny if they are older than 14?
Regardless, the dearth of humour was a side issue to the endless casually poisonous jokes about gay people, sexual objectification of women and condemnation of those with dark skin (does Rajendran not mind being the butt of this gags in every film he appears?).
On every level, Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu is way below standard.

Reasons to watch: Cheeky ghostly comedy
Reasons to avoid: Homophobia, racism and misogyny

Laughs: Scarcely a smile
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: I spotted boobs on a painting
Overall rating: 2/10

The big question - When will India catch up on fighting homophobia and racism and not being afraid of nudity?

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