302. Planeta Singli 3; movie review

Cert 15
101 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong sex references

Here is evidence that there is a Polish film in which there are no gory killings and all of the women keep their top halves secreted from view.
The comedy of Planeta Singli 3 is bawdy but has more in common with Carry On than many of the movies which hit the screens nowadays.
And, while the quality of the gags is patchy, we did laugh a couple of times.
We missed Sam Akina and Michal Chacinski's film when it was released earlier this year so I imported an English-subtitled version through Amazon.
It stars Maciej Stuhr and Agnieszka Wiedlocha as Tomek and Ania, long-standing partners who finally agree to get married.
She decides, very unwisely, that the nuptials should take place at his home village in the bosom of a family with whom he has had no contact for years.
Immediately, he faces the explosion from his brother (Borys Szyc) and an erratic response from his mother (Maria Pakulnis).
But things go from crazy to way-out bonkers when it transpires that Ania has invited his long-missing father (Boguslaw Linda).
And then there is Ania's mother (Danuta Stenka) who causes a right old stir by turning up with a much younger partner.
The movie is set almost entirely at a Polish farm and this is drawn upon for several comedy sequences.
My problem was that the humour of Planeta Singli 3 is so juvenile with a host of sex jokes which would prompt a chortle from a 16-year-old but probably not many adults.
It does have a strand of moral drama but that is so cliched that it is barely worth reference.
Is it all bad. No? But hardly more than a week after watching it, most of it has already drifted from my memory.

Reasons to watch: Polish comedy hit of the year
Reasons to avoid: Crude jokes

Laughs: Two
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? Polish surnames change depending on gender. Names that end with –ski/ska or –cka/cki work like adjectives. So, if your father’s name is Kowalski, if you’re a female you’ll be called Kowalska. All Polish surnames in the US are a male version.

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