354. Casino Royale; movie review

Cert 12A
144 mins
BBFC advice: Contains one scene of torture and strong action violence

"You've got a bloody cheek," I uttered out loud as Judi Dench's M walked into her rather fancy London apartment to be greeted by James Bond.
It was at that moment I realise what an impact Casino Royale must have had on me.
I hadn't seen it for 13 years and yet I could still mimic slices of dialogue before they happened.
Casino Royale was Bond emerges from the shadows in the firm of Daniel Craig.
There will be people who stand up for Pierce Brosnan but, without a doubt, Craig has been the most successful and longest-lasting Bond.
"Without doubt?", I hear you cry. "What about Sean Connery and Roger Moore?"
The facts are that Craig's Bond has brought in pots more money and he has been longer-lasting the role than his predecessors.
I would venture that he is also more convincing.
And, as Casino Royale proves, he plays a more fallible Bond. Yes, he gets ahead of the bad guys in the end but it is at a cost. It is a theme which has continued in his career as the world's most famous spy.
Martin Campbell's film is everything that is great about Bond. Craig and Dench are fab, Mads Mikkelsen is one of the great Bond villains and Eva Green is one of the most beautiful of his girlfriends.
The backdrops are fantastic - from Venice and Prague to the Bahamas and the chases are spectacular.
This is Bond of the 21st century, so technology plays a significant part but there is still time for the traditions which are most well observed during the famous poker match at a very grand hotel (it is said to be in Montenegro but I have since discovered it to be in the Czech Republic).
Anyway, enough said. Nobody needs a run-through of Casino Royale's plot. Suffice to say it is a Bond classic and has passed the test of time.
Meanwhile, long may Craig continue as 007.

Reasons to watch: One of the great Bond films
Reasons to avoid: If you have seen it many times already

Laughs: Two
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 9.5/10

Did you know? The Casino Royale in Ian Fleming's novel was located in the fictional French seaside resort of Royale-les-Eaux. 

The final word. Martin Campbell: "We stuck pretty closely to the book. There's no 'Q 'in the books, he doesn't appear. We kept away from gadgets. It just doesn't sort of fit the tone of the movie. He couldn't suddenly have Jon Cleese storming in with a rocket car. " Movie web

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