356. Joker; movie review

Cert 15
122 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong bloody violence, language

Last week I attended a meeting about mental health issues at work and listened to a fascinating interview with cricketer Keaton Jennings.
He made reference to Joker when talking about how mental illness can affect a person.
Interesting how society has moved on, isn't it? Before we thought the Joker was just some crazy guy who laughed inanely while he was plotting Batman's downfall.
And now we have Arthur Fleck who blames his social worker for not listening and makes a grand speech about the consequences.
Intriguingly, Joker is set in the 1970s - at that time even the sufferer would not have been able to label his condition.
I would venture that all killers have mental health problems - if they were behaving normally, they wouldn't bump people when the red mists descend, would they?
Awareness of mental health is incredibly important but, in my view, it rather confuses the message if a long-established Batman villain suddenly claims it.
I digress - probably because I didn't enjoy Joker nearly as much as I expected to.
Joaquin Phoenix plays a man who dresses as a clown for his day job - either as a street advertiser or children's entertainer.
Sadly, beyond the facade of the facepaint is a deeply troubled soul who has regular therapy sessions and medication to keep his emotions in check.
However, when the tablets stop, he becomes even more delusional than he already is.
Among those about whom he daydreams are an attractive young neighbour (Zazie Beetz), a TV host (Robert De Niro) and Bruce Wayne's father (Brett Cullen).
This Joker is dark and I mean dark.
Yes, in the past he has been unhinged but his laugh has never been quite as manic as the Tourette's-style misplaced guffaws here.
And he has always been obsessed (usually with Batman) but nowhere near as much as during Todd Phillips's movie.
Yes, Todd Phillips - the man responsible for The Hangover - one of the greatest comedies of the 21st century.
Those expecting similar mirth will be going to the wrong movie.
On the plus side, Joker has some great moments, some very sharp dialogue and boasts one of the finest performances of the year.
Indeed, Phoenix was so good he may win an Academy Award but, overall, my experience of Joker was below expectation.

Reasons to watch: Joaquin Phoenix
Reasons to avoid: Never gets out of second gear

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8/10

Did you know? Joker is based on the graphic novel Batman: A Killing Joke from 1988

Final word. Todd Phillips: “One thing I will tell you: I would do anything with him (Phoenix), any day of the week. There’s nobody like him.”

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