387. Charming; movie review

Cert PG
85 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild threat, violence

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Did it ever occur to you that Prince Charming is a serial romancer who keeps promising is hand in marriage to beautiful but vulnerable young women?
Well, it did to Ross Venokur, the writer and director of this animation about the man who has females literally falling at his feet.
The premise of his animation is that Cinderella (Ashley Tisdale), Snow White (Avril Lavigne) and Sleeping Beauty (G.E.M.) are all engaged to the same guy (Wilmer Valderrama).
Thus, they are competing for his affections while preparing for what they hope will be their individual weddings days.
Inevitably, he does what any scoundrel would do in such circumstances and runs away.
Actually, runs an actual gauntlet (I didn't know what one was, either) while taking time to think which woman would be most suitable.
In his quest, he is joined by a feisty young thief (Demi Lovato) who is dressed as a fella, complete with false moustache.
This is the lightest of cartoon capers and has the most obvious outcome of any film I have seen this year.
But its biggest problem is that it makes a false presumption that young people will understand its concept. I am pretty sure they won't.
Indeed, I can already hear the questions about how Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty end up on the same page.
The movie is also littered with irony which is aimed at adults but isn't funny enough to keep them entertained.
Ultimately, Charming falls into the "nice try" category. In some ways, it feels as if it should have worked but, disappointingly, it fell short.

Reasons to watch: Intriguing mish-mashing of famous tales
Reasons to avoid: Difficult to understand its target audience

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4.5/10

Did you know? It is commonly believed that the name of Snow White’s spouse was Prince Charming though the name hadn’t actually been attributed to the character until Cinderella. It is a Disney invention and was not used by authors of the famous stories.

Final word. Ross Venokur: "I have three daughters, so I have spent years reading them bedtime stories. It occurred to me that, Cinderella marries Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty marries Prince Charming and Snow White marries Prince Charming… It’s the same dude! And the story grew out of there." Alavigne.com

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