1. La Dolce Vita; movie review

Cert 12A
174 mins
BBFC advice: Contains moderate sex references, language, violence, suicide scenes

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How many films have influenced language worldwide?
Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita prompted the use of the word paparazzi, based on the use of a press photographer character called Paparazzo (Walter Santesso).
He was one of a pack who hunted down celebrities and those at the centre of the big story.
I digress before I have even begun.
Of course, Paparazzo is far from the only reason to watch this much-acclaimed movie
I don't recall previously seeing La Dolce Vita but I found myself immersed in its elegance as much as I was with La Strada a couple of years ago.
Interestingly, I wasn't as impressed by two other films, 8 1/2 and The Great Beauty when I saw them in 2015 and 2013 respectively.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Fellini's birth and the British Film Institute is re-introducing his work.
Many great directors, including David Lynch, Pedro Almodóvar, Sofia Coppola and Martin Scorsese have acclaimed the influence which Fellini has had on them.
Scorsese's favourite is La Dolce Vita which he says "conquered the world".
It is difficult for me to understand its impact when it was released in 1961 because it was two years before I was born.
However, a glance at the best movies of the year West Side Story, The Hustler, Breakfast At Tiffany's and El Cid, show it offered something very different.
The 1960s symbolised the world bursting out of post-war austerity but this new-found freedom is inhaled to excess by La Dolce Vita's central character, Marcello (the excellent Marcello Mastroianni).
He obsesses over beautiful women from his desperate and depressed girlfriend (Yvonne Furneaux) to an intriguing heiress (Anouk Aimée) and flighty film star (Anita Ekberg).
Marcello is a journalist with high literary ambitions and is accepted by Italian high society but, despite his outward smiles, there is a constant sense of dissatisfaction.
For me, the story is La Dolce Vita's weakness. It is very stretched (the film lasts nearly three hours) and passes over moments of great drama without a backwards look.
But it looks fantastic and apparently set all sorts of new boundaries technically.
Anyway, catching up with it was a rather splendid way to begin 2020.

Reasons to watch: Among the most critically acclaimed movies of all time
Reasons to avoid: It's nearly three hours

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Did you know? Federico Fellini was born in 1920 in Rimini, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. His father was Urbano Fellini, a descendant of landholders, and his mother was Ida Barbiani, a descendant of Roman merchants.

The final word. Martin Scorsese: "It is not enough to call Fellini a film-maker - he was a maestro and, for a generation of film lovers, he was cinema."

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