50. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood; movie review

Cert PG
109 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild bad language, violence

Here's a quick tip - before you watch Tom Hanks' new movie, try out Won't You Be My Neighbor? - a documentary on Fred Rogers.
I persuaded Mrs W to take it in last week and she admitted it was essential to her enjoyment of Marielle Heller's film.
This is because Mr Rogers was an American icon - the man who not only entertained children for decades but was also their passionate advocate.
Throughout his career, there were those who thought he was just too good to be true and that he must have had a darker side.
Among them was Tom Junod who becomes Lloyd Vogel in the film so that a few liberties can be taken with his family life.
There is historical accuracy in the part where investigative journalist, Vogel (Matthew Rhys), is given an assignment by his boss to write a brief interview with Mr Rogers (Hanks).
While he is less than keen, she thinks it will calm him down after run-ins with celebrities he has skewered with his pen.
She's right. The meeting leads to Rogers interviewing Vogel rather than the other way around.
There are two parallel and occasionally overlapping stories here, surrounding Vogel's battle with his dying estranged father (Chris Cooper) and the discovery that Mr Rogers is exactly as he appears on the tin.
Hanks captures Rogers brilliantly, speaking through a smile in his slow drawl, he personifies niceness, seeing the light in everyone, particularly Vogel.
Indeed, he sees in the journalist what the latter can't even perceive in himself.
The juxtaposition of a reporter shrouded in self-inflicted sadness and the TV presenter's joyful heart bring to the fore what Rogers stood for more than even a biopic could.
And fair play to Rhys - he is nicely deadpan without ladling his misery, allowing Hanks to play his conscience and redeemer without having to be too schmaltzy.
It struck me that, while some are obviously more enthralling than others, I cannot recall a Hanks film I didn't enjoy. A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood is very different to any others but is another winner.

Reasons to watch: It's a Tom Hanks film!
Reasons to avoid: If you don't know anything about Mr Rogers

Laughs: Two
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8/10

Did you know? A yale study pitted fans of Sesame Street against Mr Rogers' Neighborhood watchers and founds that children who watched Mr Rogers tended to remember more of the storylines and had a much higher tolerance of delay, meaning they were much more patient.

The final word: Tom Junod: "There was no difference between Fred Rogers and Mister Rogers. He was implacably on message because the message was in the fibre of his friendships. He worked hard on his friendships; he prepared for his friendships; he took notes on his friendships; he even kept files on his friendships, and not long ago I found out that he’d kept a file on me." The Atlantic

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