152. Who Do You Think I Am? (Celle que vous croyez); movie review

Cert 15
102 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong sex, sex references

I have to admit that I am entranced by Juliette Binoche.
Of course, I don't know her personally but her beauty, brilliant acting and happy knack of starring in enthralling films contribute towards my candle being lit.
But, despite being in thrall to Ms Binoche, I have never considered stalking her on social media let alone in person.
Which is exactly what her character, Claire, does of her crush in Safy Nebbou's Who Do You Think I Am?
Claire tells her story via a session with a psychotherapist (Nicole Garcia). She has no shame - indeed, she regales it with a glint in her eye.
She describes how she is a divorcee who had a fling with a handsome younger fella (Guillaume Gouix).
She is wounded when their relationship comes to its end and is so destabilised that she creates an alter-ego to go in search of another guy (François Civil).
Indeed, she becomes so obsessed with the thought of him that her family and work-life become jeopardised.
Binoche is brilliant in the therapy sessions as her character justifies her actions.
She is equally as good as the stories are played out and Claire becomes overpowered with desire.
Meanwhile, equal praise should be given to Nebbou who structures the movie so cleverly that the audience is kept guessing.
Indeed, there are myriad twists and turns which neither Mrs W nor I saw coming.
And it wouldn't be a Binoche film without the style which is her hallmark.
For her fans, of which I am definitely one, this is a must-see. Indeed, it is certainly one of the best lockdown movies so far.

Reasons to watch: Binoche at her best
Reasons to avoid: Some of the twists seem a bit far-fetched

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10

Did you know? Juliette Binoche's maternal grandfather and grandmother were Polish actors who were imprisoned at Auschwitz because they were considered as intellectuals.

The final word. Juliette Binoche: "Claire is one of the roles in which I most dared to lose my footing and come to terms with my own ageing." girl.com.au

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