177. A Serial Killer’s Guide To Life; movie review

Cert 15
80 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, violence, injury detail, sex references

I have to confess that this is more Mrs W's bag than mine - an offbeat black comedy with murder at its heart.
But I would also say that it is another example of a low-budget British movie punching above its weight.
Staten Cousins-Roe's film stars Katie Brayben as Lou - an awkward young woman who lives with her domineering mother (Sarah Ball).
She becomes a fan of self-help and in particular the brand which is advocated by a well-known American (Ben Lloyd-Hughes).
At one of the self-help sessions, she meets the very self-assured Val (Poppy Roe) who suggests going away for a few days to find themselves.
Of course, this turns out to be no ordinary trip because blood and bodies are higher on the agenda than the English countryside.
The comedy is derived from both women being so deadpan in their reaction to the mass murder of those who are presented as do-gooders.
Val is matter-of-fact in the blood-letting while Lou follows her like a puppy who sees no evil in their mistress.
And on they go, apparently gaining a form of catharsis from bringing people to a bloody end.
There are nuances to A Serial Killer's Guide To Life but to reveal them would be to spoil a movie which doesn't outstay its welcome at a pacey 80 minutes.
It didn't make us laugh out loud but there are chuckles and Roe and Brayben have a strange stilted chemistry.
It is unlikely to challenge for awards but kept me and Mrs W entertained during another lockdown evening.

Reasons to watch: Offbeat Brit comedy
Reasons to avoid: Not big on substance

Laughs: A few chuckles
Jumps: One
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Britain's worst female serial killer is believed to be Rosemary West who was found guilty of 10 murders with her husband Fred who later committed suicide in jail.

The final word. Staten Cousins-Roe: " I was going through hard-core psychotherapy and I came to see the huge number of shysters in the self-help industry, peddling quick fix nonsense for a buck or 10 to vulnerable people. It then seemed a natural subject matter to take to it to its limits and satirise with violence and humour." Loud & Clear

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