183. The Lovebirds; movie review

Cert 15
86 mins
BBFC advice: Contains sex references, strong language

There has been a fair hullaballoo about the number of mainstream movies which have gone straight to on-demand services during Covid lockdown.
However, two points cannot be denied - they have been few in number and box office expectations of them would have been fairly low.
More subjectively, I would suggest that the quality bar has not been particularly high.
The Lovebirds was not held back for the return of cinema, instead being broadcast by Netflix which, to some, has been the saviour of lockdown.
It is not a bad movie - funny enough to prompt five laughs out loud and there is a tad of pathos chucked in.
It stars Kumail Nanjiani and Issa Rae as live-in lovers whose relationship is on its last legs when they become witnesses to murder.
Actually, using the word witnesses is a significant understatement. They are so slap bang in the middle of a killing spree that they are running away from the cops because they fear being accused of the slayings.
Thus, the comedy is elicited from the frantic chase.
Usually, I would dismiss comedies such as Lovebirds as unchallenging or even trite.
However, the perception of movies often depends on mood and this turned out to be a light-hearted lift during the dreariness of Covid-19 lockdown.
Nanjiani is in his comfort zone, playing the fella who over-analyses and keeps saying and doing the wrong thing while Rae is his bemused foil.
They have a chemistry which I found surprisingly pleasing and the film is fast-paced enough to keep audiences interesting.
And, at a sprightly 86 minutes, Michael Showalter's picture doesn't outstay its welcome.

Reasons to watch: Enough laughs to be uplifting
Reasons to avoid: Not heavy on substance

Laughs: Five
Jumps: One
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? Issa Rae first came to public attention with a YouTube series which she adapted for a New York Times bestseller called The Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl.

The final word. Kumail Nanjiani: "When you see a portrayal of Pakistanis in American pop culture, generally, you're seeing certain lanes. You don't see us being light or funny or fun that often." Vibe

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