197. Back To the Future; movie review

Cert PG
116 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild bad language, violence, drug reference, sex references.

The everyfilm challenge has already thrown up opportunities to see the re-releases of Back to The Future Parts Two and Three but, strangely, this is the first time I have watched the original as part of the quest.
However, I ought to come clean and admit that the time-machine comedy is so beloved in our house, that I must have enjoyed it at least five times since its 1985 debut.
And, while it has cheesiness which I didn't spot 35 years ago, I was happy to welcome home an old friend.
Alas, its reprise was tinged with sadness because it prompted thoughts of how Parkinson's Disease wrecked the life, from a young age, of its star, Michael J. Fox.
Some might argue that his work in raising awareness of the condition has had a greater social impact than if he had continued his career as a breathless leading man.
However, it is a real pity that he lost the trademark physical energy which is the backbone of Robert Zemeckis's film.
As a child, I always loved TV and movies which had time travel at their heart. Dr Who was a Saturday night staple but The Time Machine, starring Rod Taylor was one which really stood out.
Back To The Future pinches elements and moves on the backdrop nearly a century from the 1895 setting of its author HG Wells.
So, now the wild inventor is Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and Marty McFly, Fox's iconic skateboarding lead, is his able and willing assistant.
There are so many memorable scenes in Back To The Future but I am one of the many who would vote for Marty's blues solo at the school prom as the stand-out.
I also loved how the world had changed by his dabbling with the space-time continuum after his return home.
Does it pass the test of time? Not quite - but it is an 80s cultural icon and was one of the most fun movies of the decade. I still love it.

Reasons to watch: The classic time machine film
Reasons to avoid: Because we have seen it so many times before

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 10/10

Did you know? The Back to the Future script was rejected 40 times before Universal bought it. Disney declined, claiming it was a "movie about incest", referring to the 1955 scene in which Marty kisses the 18-year-old version of his mother.

The final word. Christopher Lloyd: "Why are things so heavy in the future... is there something wrong with the earth's gravitational pull?"

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