230. South of Heaven Episode One - Little Sister; movie review

Cert TBA
74 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

During the Covid emergency, I have watched some very strange movies which have appeared on the video-on-demand schedule.
None more so than South Of Heaven, Episode One - Little Sister a Sin City-wannabe with a much lesser budget.
It stars Mandy Stockholm as Jackie Delacroix, who finds herself in a battle between crime lords and sleazeballs as she hunts for her sister's murderer.
Much of Jeff Scott Taylor's film has a monochrome effect with splashes of subtle colour in an attempt to make it look edgy.
Its atmosphere is its best point but cannot distract from the dialogue which is both bland in word and delivery.
The movie's most bizarre element is its villain - a corrupt district attorney in a short skirt played by Stefanie Vermillion.
Ok, it is not too far-fetched for a politician to be caught up in perversion and murder but, despite this background and sexually provocative clothing, she is weirdly drab.
Indeed, there are too many caricatures for South Of Heaven's first episode to be taken seriously.
For example, I can't imagine anyone who looks and acts more like a stereotype nightclub owner/bouncer than John Branch.
In addition, the resolutions are far too easy, particularly in the light of how deep Jackie finds herself in the mire.
South Of Heaven, Episode One became available in the UK when the lockdown was at its most oppressive.
Would it have made it to our cinema screens? I would have very much doubted it, so I should spend no more time on it because it really isn't worth it.

Reasons to watch: If you are into low-budget crime
Reasons to avoid: Cliched script delivered without passion

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 2.5/10

Did you know? In 2015, at least 41 sex workers were murdered in the United States alone, and the majority of that violence was racist or transphobic.

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