310. 23 Walks; movie review
Cert 12A
102 mins
BBFC advice: Contains infrequent strong language, moderate sex, sex references
I suspect that if I had watched 23 Walks three decades ago I would have been suggesting that someone pass the sick bucket.
However, I am a lot nearer the ages of the characters Dave (Dave Johns) and Fern (Alison Steadman) than I was then.
Consequently, their romance resonated on several different levels.
And while I am very lucky to have been with Mrs W for 34 years, I spend too much time fearing what it would be like to be without her.
Dave alleviates his loneliness by walking his beloved German Shepherd on the heath near his London home.
That's where he bumps into Fern in a rather brusque first encounter in which she claims his big but easygoing hound has frightened her much smaller Yorkshire Terrier.
Indeed, it appears as if Fern is a bit of a cold fish, angry with life and scared of making friendships in case she is hurt.
But she is lonely too and, eventually, Dave's warmth defrosts her and she lets down her guard.
Well, momentarily... this is a very tentative romance between two people who have certainly suffered plenty of life's bruises.
The problem comes when they feel compelled to unveil more about themselves than is comfortable or potentially good for their relationship.
Paul Morrison's film is well observed and has very poignant moments. Its stars are also completely convincing.
I was already expected great things of Johns after his superb performance in I, Daniel Blake and Steadman has long been a British icon.
They are funny, sad and dare I say it even a bit sexy!
Well, maybe not if you ae younger than me.
Reasons to watch: Poignant romance
Reasons to avoid: Some may find it too slow
Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10
Did you know? In a 2007 Channel 4 poll, the "50 Greatest Actors" voted for by other actors, Alison Steadman was ranked No. 42.
The final word. Dave Johns: "At the age of 64 I got my first sex scene in a movie! I never thought I would be saying I had a bedroom scene at the age of 64 but Alison has done loads of them through her career so that was OK but it was a bit weird." Shropshire Star
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