339. Nocturnal; movie review


Cert 15
84 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language and drug misuse

How much should I give away?
I am facing a quandary while writing this review of Nathalie Biancheri's Nocturnal because it hangs so much on one key moment.
But I am not sure whether even she believes it is a twist because it could be deduced at least 30 minutes before an emotional reveal.
Anyway, I have decided against even if it to make sure one person's enjoyment is not ruined.
Set in a dilapidated Yorkshire coastal town, Biancheri's film stars Cosmo Jarvis as a shy, mumbling handyman who seems to attract women despite himself.
He works at a local school where he takes what seems to be an unhealthy interest in one of the teenage girls (Lauren Coe).
She is a promising athlete who is having trouble settling in her new environment having relocated to the town with her mother (Sadie Frost). 
Initially, the odd couple have very short interactions but gradually a friendship is built and a deep bond grows.
And the more his motives are questioned.
Both Mrs W and were intrigued by Nocturnal but also found it frustrating because of its deliberately slow pace.
I usually like Jarvis but I could scarcely understand what he is saying because the character talks under his breath.
Coe is impressive - nobody would know that she is a decade older than the girl she is playing.
Meanwhile, anyone hoping for this to be a Frost film will be disappointed - she has very little camera time.
But the most dissatisfying element is that the film doesn't convert its promising premise into a riveting last half and honour.
Instead, it just seeps away and we were left wondering what might have been.

Reasons to watch: Unusual love story
Reasons to avoid: Mumbling dialogue

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 5.5/10

Did you know? Sadie Frost has three children from her marriage to Jude Law and one with Gary Kemp.

Baca Juga

The final word. Nathalie Biancheri: "Cosmo was shocked when he found out that she is 27. I don’t have any regrets about it (not telling him). It gave the dynamic we needed." Movies.ie

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