35. So, My Grandma's A Lesbian! (Salir del ropero); movie review


Cert 15
95 mins
BBFC advice: Contains discrimination, drugs misuse

I don't like to be disrespectful of the dead nor of what was apparently the stellar entertainment and political career of Rosa María Sardà but I cannot eulogise over her last film.
My Grandma's A Lesbian may have its heart in the right place but, in my opinion, it takes the gay liberation movement backwards.
Ángeles Reiné's movie is overflowing with stereotypes, created for cheap laughs.
And I am not referring to the gay characters, played by Sardà and Verónica Forqué, who are normal folk who just want to get on with their love and lives.
As said, this was Sardà's final film before she succumbed to cancer at the age of 78.
Ironically, her character is pushed into undergoing numerous tests for brain issues by her family because they think her decision-making may be being impaired by illness, disease or dementia.
They can't comprehend that she is merely in love 
Top of the unempathetic list is Eva (Ingrid García Jonsson) who is obsessed with the fall-out any potential scandal will have on her own impending nuptials.
Eva goes to Lanzarote to persuade her grandmother (Forqué) to call off the wedding because she wants to marry a stiff shirt from (Leander Vyvey) a very traditional Scottish family.
Her life is all about achieving status even though it is obvious that Stuart is unsuitable and she will be more fulfilled by the son (David Verdaguer) of her grandma's belle.
They even have a distaste for the gay marriage in common - as they do with the local priest (Alex O'Dogherty).
Of course, it is obvious from minute one that they won't derail the union and that love will win the day.
Presumably, it was the intention to elicit a few laughs along the way but, unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Instead, there is a litany of cliches, including how British Brexiteers are perceived (research would have shown they were hard to find in Scotland), the one-dimensional portrayal of journalists, a character with educational difficulties and the whole gamut about gay relationships.
Attempted gags misfire so horribly that I was left wondering why someone with Sardà's reputation was involved.
The only plus I could detect was the Canarian backdrop - we usually fly out to the islands in February and the scenery and sunshine had me pining.
Otherwise, it is worth steering clear of this.

Reasons to watch: Unusual romance at its heart
Reasons to avoid: Such old-fashioned stereotypes

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 3/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? Pope Francis made headlines when he said that gay people have a right to be in a family and that civil union laws are needed during the documentary Francesco. The Vatican later said the remarks were taken out of context.

The final word. President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez: "Rosa María Sardà, will be written in the history of our culture in capital letters - an example of good sense, a fighting woman, with strong convictions and great social commitment. Miss you." Meaww

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