48. Below Zero (Bajocero); movie review


Cert 18
107 mins
BBFC advice: Contains sexual violence references, injury detail, threat, violence

Below Zero had us on edge for almost every one of its 107 minutes, twisting and turning with hard-hitting violence from its tough opening onwards.
And it culminates with a scene which left us almost gasping for air.
Lluís Quílez's film stars Javier Gutiérrez as a police officer who is facing his first prisoner transfer assignment.
Gutiérrez's Martin is a quiet family man in contrast to his partner for the mission, played with greater force by Isak Férriz.
Their charges do their best to wind them up as they pile them into a secure truck which is escorted by two officers in a police car.
However, bad weather means that they have to go through wintry fog across country.
It soon becomes clear that someone is gathered in the gloom with the intention of stopping the convoy and springing one of the prisoners.
And with that, I really have to restrain myself from giving any more storyline detail for fear of ruining Below Zero's impact.
Suffice to say there are also fine contributions from Luis Callejo and Patrick Criado who are behind bars and Karra Elejalde as a man with a mission.
But the real star is Quilez. He has made an explosive action movie in the tightest corners in what can best be described as a mobile cage.
And he makes great use of the freezing temperatures, as is suggested in the title. Indeed, I was so rapt in the film, I swear my fingers and toes were becoming colder and colder.
If you want an intense movie which keeps you guessing Below Zero may well tick the box.

Reasons to watch: An intense ride
Reasons to avoid: Very violent scenes

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10

Did you know? There are 77 prisons in Spain, 35 of which were built before 1980, the remaining 42 being built after that date. The modern buildings, which were mainly constructed in the 1990s, have improved prisoners’ living conditions and have avoided the overcrowding that the European Committee for prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (described as inhuman.

The final word. Lluís Quílez: "I have a lot of confidence in this movie. It’s a good representation of me as a director. The result is what I wanted to do and what I wanted people to see. It’s taken years of hard work to get here and I think audiences will enjoy it. I’m convinced that it will connect with them and leave them with plenty of food for thought. I’m excited." Inside Media

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