49. Simple Passion; movie review



Cert 18
99 mins
BBFC advice: Strong sex

Some have labelled this as the French 50 Shades of Grey and I can see why.
But Simple Passion is more explicit (male, as well as female private parts, are on view) and it has a tad more depth to its storyline.
Mind you, saying it is better doesn't set a very high bar, does it?
Danielle Arbid's movie shows how love or even lust can deflect the mind from anything else - even the important stuff.
It stars Laetitia Dosch as a single mum Hélène whose head is completely turned by a handsome Russian diplomat, Alex (Sergei Polunin).
She begins by explaining how she met her lover by chance and then the movie cuts to the action of them in full-on rumpy-pumpy.
Mrs W mused on what it must be like for actors to become as intimate as Dosch and Polunin are on screen.
Can they simply switch off afterwards, having been intertwined while naked, touched tongues aplenty and licked each other's erogenous zones?
And what prevents Polunin from getting... err... you, know, excited?
I digress - probably because there really isn't much else to discuss about Simple Passion other than the sex scenes because most of the action is in various bedrooms.
Sure, there is a focus on how the university lecturer becomes distracted from her work, her son and any other meaningful element of her life by lust.
Her lover gives her no grounds to believe that he sees anything in their relationship beyond sex, largely because they have nothing in common.
But he becomes an obsession for her and consequently has a hold like a magnet, regardless of how badly he treats her.
The problem we had with Simple Passion was that we didn't know enough of Hélène's back story so could not understand why she behaves the way she does.
Equally, we don't care about Alex because we know even less about him.
Sex can only titillate for a while - after the umpteenth shot of breast, bum cheek and todger, we lamented lack of storyline depth.

Reasons to watch: Pretty people having lots of sex
Reasons to avoid: Paper-thin plot

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 5/10

Did you know?  Danielle Arbid left Lebanon in 1987 during the country's civil war. Her 2004 film In The Battlefields was about the war and she appeared in a brief cameo.

The final word. Danielle Arbid: "I wanted to tell a story about how lucky you are when you fall in love. About the emotional rollercoaster it actually is. The absolute loss of control when you meet someone, when you idealise that person. I wanted to find again the feeling I had when I read the book, the radiant memory of it..."

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