153. Infinitum – Subject Unknown; movie review


Cert 15
82 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

What do you do if you want to make a movie during a global pandemic? 
Make a film with only one character and two cameos on video. Yep, this is social distancing at its most creative.
Just in case there was any doubt, Infinitum - Subject Unknown was in the Butler-Hart bubble - written and produced by wife and husband, Tori and Matthew, who are star and director respectively.
"But what of Ian McKellen?", I hear you cry.
Well, it turns out that Gandalf may be 81 but he is not averse to technology, playing his part over a video conference facility.
The truth is that Sir Ian is only on screen for a minute or two and the same applies to Conleth Hill. Indeed, their roles were filmed in their own homes.
That means for the best part of 80 minutes, Tori Butler-Hart has the screen to herself - and a fair fist she makes of it.
She plays Jane who awakes, tied up in an attic with apparently no way out.
She tries and tries to find an exit but every time she becomes particularly stressed, she suddenly finds herself back where she started.
After a few aborted attempts at escape, she begins to have flashbacks of her previous struggles which informs her how she might succeed.
McKellen and Hill's contributions lead us to understand that Jane is part of a social experiment and that it has been discovered that there are two parallel worlds - the one we live in and another much darker place.
When Jane accrues clues each time her situation is reset and it becomes clear that her personal answers may be found at a quantum research centre.
However, when she finally gets outside, there is no life and cars and houses have been abandoned.
Meanwhile, the occasional glimpse into the parallel world allows her to see that soldiers are searching for her.
I have been a longtime admirer of the work of the Butler-Harts and this is another impressive innovation, prompted by lockdown.
However, while both the actor and director try their best to create suspense, you cannot get over the fact that a movie with a single person requires the talent of Tom Hanks and the budget of Castaway.
Otherwise, it is exactly what it is - moderately interesting but repetitious.
In other words, a pandemic-inspired Groundhog Day without the laughs.

Reasons to watch: A laudable attempt at creating a socially distanced thriller
Reasons to avoid: Lacks the edge that a bigger cast may have offered

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? Matthew Butler-Hart started making short films at the age of 14 before going on to train as a professional actor. But he didn't stop directing and in 2009 co-founded Fizz and Ginger Films with his wife, Tori.

The final word. Matthew Butler-Hart: "As horrible as the whole (Covid) situation is, we have learnt so much about how we can move forward once this ends. We’d definitely want a bigger crew for the next film, but we have learned that we can achieve a lot by thinking differently about how films are put together and actually made."

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