258. The Most Beautiful Boy In The World; movie review
Cert 15
94 mins
BBFC advice: Contains references to abusive behaviour, bereavement theme
Millions of people would have like to have been known as the most beautiful boy or girl in the world.
Surely, it would have opened many doors, socially and professionally, wouldn't it?
Well, yes and no - as Björn Andrésen's story reflects, the label certainly made him famous but with celebrity came instability and even abuse.
Andrésen looks back on his curious life during Kristina Lindström and Kristian Petri's intriguing biopic.
They trace his life back to the crucial moment in 1970 when renowned Italian director, Luchino Visconti visited Stockholm in search of an actor to play in his adaptation of Thomas Mann's Death in Venice.
By now, Visconti had travelled the world and filmed hundreds of boys during the search for a teenager to play the role of Tadzio, a young polish noble.
During the documentary, Andrésen admits that he had little interest in being an actor but his grandmother who brought him up after his mother's suicide, was desperate for reflected glory.
We see some uncomfortable screentests during which the bashful boy is instructed to strip down to swimming trunks before he is given the role.
And, when the film premiered in London 1971, Visconti declares Andrésen ”the most beautiful boy in the world."
It is a phrase that has haunted him all of his life and has doubtlessly contributed to huge mental stress.
The documentary visits him 50 years later and he is facing up to addiction and key questions behind his mother's disappearance.
The Most Beautiful Boy in the World is a cautionary tale of what can happen when a young person hits the headlines without any preparation for the fallout.
Doubtlessly, they can end up believing the hype and that can leave many scars.
It is also a very personal story, told with deep honesty.
Reasons to watch: Fascinating true story
Reasons to avoid: Becomes overly mired in minutiae
Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7.5/10
The final word. Kristina Lindström: "It has been a journey for him. We have made journeys as well, but it has been a journey back, and he (Björn) has been visiting himself. He has been seeing new things and seeing himself."
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