135. The Novice; movie review

Cert 15
97 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, self-harm

While most of us would consider ourselves dedicated in our own endeavours be they work, family or sport, do we really understand what it takes to be the best?
I remember Steve Redgrave saying "If anyone sees me getting in a boat again, shoot me," after he won one of his many Olympic rowing medals.
This is because his life had consisted of getting up at the crack of dawn and pushing his body to its very limits.
He had admitted that rowing had become an obsession but had not really confessed to just how tough his training regime had been and the sacrifices he had made.
That type of unrelenting dedication/obsession to be the best is the bedrock of Lauren Hadaway's riveting The Novice, starring the excellent Isabelle Fuhrman.
She plays Alex, an incredibly driven young woman who sees her university rowing team as a route to greater recognition and potential funding.
This is a lass who deliberately stays behind two hours after lessons to perfect her studies because she believes more in hard work than natural talent.
She has no prior knowledge of rowing when she arrives at the first novice session but it becomes clear that she is willing to put her body through incredible rigour so she can reach the required standard.
The intensity of her efforts is almost tangible - unfeasibly early mornings and hands bloodied from constant friction against the oars.
I have seen The Novice compared to Whiplash but the difference is that Alex pushes herself far harder than any coach.
The lass seems to be permanently sweating.
Meanwhile, her single-mindedness is so acute that friendships are almost impossible to nail down. 
The storyline is utterly convincing and compelling and it all adds up to a memorable debut for Hadaway.

Reasons to watch: Its intensity
Reasons to avoid: Goes over the same ground a bit

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? According to the most recent rankings, the top US university for female rowing is Washington, followed by Texas, Michigan, Stanford and Ohio State.

The final word. Lauren Hadaway: "All the films I've seen (in this genre) usually have this external force. There's a coach, a mother, they're trying to go to the Olympics, or what have you. For me, my drive and grit are really internal. I wanted to explore that." Roger Ebert 


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