172. The Swimmer; movie review


Cert 18
84 mins
BBFC advice: Brief strong sex

How many young people could really have the dedication and handle the stress of training for the Olympics?
It appears to be akin to selling not only one's soul but one's complete identity.
Or at least that is the way in which a three-month training camp is portrayed in Adam Kalderon's The Swimmer.
Apparently, the movie draws on some of the director's own experiences in elite swimming squads. 
It doesn't paint a very happy picture.
Kalderon's film stars Omer Perelman Striks as Erez - a young man who has the single-minded ambition to become an Olympian.
Thus, he becomes part of an elite squad of five swimmers with the target of being the one who makes the team.
His coach (Igal Reznik) is old school and demands nothing but undivided attention on the prize and favours Erez's friend and rival (Asaf Jonas) even though the former is more talented.
He bias turns into plain prejudice when he suspects Erez of being gay.
In truth, the exciting premise of The Swimmer is not quite met by its execution.
The characters lack nuance so the coach is a stereotypical hardnut, matched only in his aggression by Erez's uncompromising father.
Meanwhile, much of the gay narrative of the movie is subtle or even subliminal rather than. explicit and the denouement drifts into the surreal.
That's a pity because there is an important issue being addressed here and I felt it needed to be more hard-hitting.

Reasons to watch: If you like a lithe male body in Speedos
Reasons to avoid: Just too convoluted

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Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4/10

Did you know? At least 186 publicly out gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary athletes were in Tokyo for the Summer Olympic Games, more than triple the number who participated at the 2016 Rio Games.

The final word. Adam Kalderon: "The Swimmer is a film about a personal discovery that puts the term ‘winning’ in a new light. The film is dedicated to a silent and repressed population, gay athletes and with this film, I hope to illuminate this dark place." Out!

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