174. The Velvet Queen: Snow Leopard; movie review


Cert 12A
92 mins
BBFC advice: Contains infrequent strong language

We have been spoiled by David Attenborough and his magnificent wildlife documentaries, haven't we?
They have set the bar which is almost impossible for anyone else to reach.
So, when it is suggested that the Tibetan plateau is among the last places in the world where nature has been undisturbed by man, we are left thinking... "but haven't Attenborough's crews been there?"
The Velvet Queen does have a different strand because it focuses on the ambition of two men to see the rare snow leopard and their methods for doing so.
Vincent Munier, one of the world’s most renowned wildlife photographers takes writer Sylvain Tesson with him on his mission to find the elusive big cat.
They spend weeks searching remote valleys and filling their time recording myriad other species without spotting their quarry.
Meanwhile, they are literally sleeping in a cave as they wait with incredible patience for the moment that one appears.
Munier and Marie Amiguet's documentary hones in on the qualities needed to be a wildlife photographer and the awesome natural world.
It makes for an interesting but not an Attenborough-level film.

Reasons to watch: For those into extreme wildlife photography
Reasons to avoid: More about the participants - less about the animals

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Baca Juga

Did you know?  There are an estimated 4,080-6,590 snow leopards in the wild. They are listed as 'vulnerable' by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The final word. Vincent Munier: "The priority was not to show how it was difficult for us [to be in the mountains]. It’s not an adventure movie. The goal was to show the beauty of nature and to have some nice dialogue thanks to Sylvain of course—I’m just a photographer. Sylvain is so talented at finding the right words." Science & Film

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