197. Psycho; movie review
Cert 15
108 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong violence
The Bates Motel might have been run down but at least it had a power shower in Cabin No.1.
After all, Janet Leigh's famous bathroom scene wouldn't have had the same impact if there had been dodgy water pressure, would it?
I stay in a lot of hotels and Air BnBs and always despair when just a dribble of water emerges from the shower.
So, I was rather impressed with the zesty gush when Leigh's character Marion Crane turned on hers. Shame she didn't get the chance to enjoy it.
Alfred Hitchcock's movie is simply brilliant. Set it sweaty Arizona it builds up a sense of foreboding with Bernard Herrmann's outstanding score a key element to its suspense.
Leigh is outstanding as Marion, the woman who seizes the chance to start a new life when asked to bank 40,000 dollars by her boss.
She steals the cash, drives off, wracked with guilt and looks for a place to stay for a night - alighting upon the Bates Motel.
Anthony Perkins is wonderful as Norman, the talkative host whose angry mother lives in the adjacent house.
The conversation between Marion and Norman over a sandwich is a true Hitchcock masterpiece with camera in the actors' faces, shadows on the walls and the stuffed birds gazing down angrily.
Norman's reaction to whether his mother be put in an institution or 'madhouse' is truly chilling.
The investigation into what happened next is also compelling and the denouement is particularly good with a superb bit of psychiatry which is way ahead of its time.
There are so many great elements to Psycho.
It is actually a pity that people only remember the shower scene.
Reasons to watch: Classic Hitchcock suspense
Reasons to avoid: A bit of the dialogue is stilted
Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 9.5/10
The final word. Alfred Hitchcock: "The content was, I felt, rather amusing and it was a big joke. I was horrified to find some people took it seriously."
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