291. Brian and Charles; movie review


Cert PG
91 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild threat, violence, language

I wouldn't have expected a comedy about a super-nerd and an AI with a shop mannequin's head to be my bag but the good heart of Brian and Charles won me over.
Jim Archer's first feature is set in farming country where Brian (David Earl), a middle-aged singleton with a penchant for crazy inventions, lives alone.
He stays up long into the night in his shed where, after many abject failures with other creations, he sets about creating a robot.
And much to his amazement, he succeeds.
So, the movie becomes about the relationship between Charles (voiced by Chris Hayward) and his maker.
Initially, Brian has to teach him the basics of life but quickly the relationship develops into brotherly love.
However, unexpectedly, Charles wants to explore more of the world than Brian thinks will be good for him.
Archer's movie has great charm and a decent slab of pathos too.
Added elements are thrown in via a village bully (Jamie Michie) and a shy love interest (Louise Brealey) for Brian but the key relationship is between him and Charles.
In essence, it is strange or even daft but when we look beyond the cabbages (their favourite food), there are many truths about friendship and life in general.
It is impressive that Archer touches the heart through such an unlikely narrative.

Reasons to watch: Offbeat and heartfelt
Reasons to avoid: Too wacky at times

Laughs: Chuckles rather than laughs
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? This is a feature developed from Jim Archer's short Brian and Charles which screened at the South By South-West Festival in Austin, Texas in 2017.

The final word. David Earl: "We just really wanted to make a funny film. We wanted to get these two on-screen because they made us laugh." The Upcoming

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