300. Happening ( L'événement); movie review


Cert 15
100 mins
BBFC advice: Contains abortion scenes, strong sex, nudity

It seems hard to believe that even in secular countries, abortion was such a no-no that women put their lives at risk when they had one as recently as the 1960s.
In Britain it became legal in 1967 and women came across the Channel from France to undergo the procedure until their country followed suit in 1975.
Audrey Diwan's Happening is based on a true story set in early 1960s France when a very promising student, Anne (Anamaria Vartolomei), finds herself pregnant after a one-night stand.
This is her living nightmare because she has been devoted to her studies and the out-of-character moment of passion has potentially shattered her career dreams.
Nowadays, such a situation could be handled promptly and discreetly but not in the early 1960s when there was a terrible stigma around pregnancies outside of marriage.
Thus, Anne, finds herself shunned by official medical practitioners who daren't risk their livelihoods by carrying out an abortion.
She cannot even rely on the support of her closest friends and especially not her parents.
At this point, I should offer a warning - Happening is graphic. There are scenes which prompted both Mrs W and I to cover our eyes.
And I have to admit, we didn't really take to Vartolomei's Anne who is a rather sullen unfriendly character even before she finds out she is pregnant.
Nevertheless, the film is worth watching because it shows how far we have come in terms of women's rights and clearly demonstrates what could happen if legislation is reversed.
Can that really be happing in a country as well-developed as the United States?
Reasons to watch: Shattering reminder of real life in the 1960s
Reasons to avoid: Frightening abortion scenes

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Several reforms took place in the 21st century, further liberalising access to abortion in France. The ten-week limit was extended to the twelfth week in 2001 and it was extended to 14 weeks in 2022

The final word. Audrey Diwan: "I had an abortion myself, and I needed a text to help me think about it. I couldn't find it, so my first reaction was to try to create that text. I interviewed a few friends around me, and one of them advised me to read Happening … I read the book and realised the text I needed already existed." GQ

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