315. Ticket To Paradise; movie review


Cert 12A
104 mins
BBFC advice: Contains infrequent strong language

What do Julia Roberts and George Clooney have in common? Lots of awards for classic movies and critical acclaim that dried up a decade ago.
They have made some wonderful choices in their careers but starring in Ticket To Paradise is nearly as bad as Clooney agreeing to be Batman.
Ol Parker's film is Mamma Mia without the singing - another tale about a wedding on a tropical island and estranged parents of the bride.
Its only laughs are created by the supporting cast who are, unfortunately, given precious little screen time compared with its two ill-at-ease leads.
Roberts and Clooney play Georgia and David Cotton who have maintained a healthy distance since an acrimonious split-up many years previously.
However, their daughter (Kaitlyn Dever) sees no option but to invite them both to Bali after falling for a native seaweed grower (Maxime Bouttier) who proposes to her double quick.
The only thing on which her mother and father agree is that the union should not happen and she should return to America and take up a job with a prestigious law firm.
However, they haven't counted on their daughter being in love and their pathetic attempts to stop the wedding result in them appearing even more foolish than they already are.
There are laugh-out-loud moments during Ticket To Paradise but they come from side players or situations rather than the key characters.
And, frankly, we became fed up with Clooney and Roberts trying too hard.
Over the years, they have proved themselves more adept at drama - perhaps, they should stick to that.

Reasons to watch: A-list combo
Reasons to watch: So many cliches

Laughs: Four
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes (off-screen)
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4/10

Did you know? George Clooney had expected to follow in his father's footsteps as a TV reporter but dropped out of his university course in broadcast journalism.

The final word. Julia Roberts: "It somehow only made sense with George, just based on our chemistry. We have a friendship that people are aware of, and we’re going into it as this divorced couple. Half of America probably thinks we are divorced, so we have that going for us." New York Times

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