329. Triangle Of Sadness; movie review


Cert 15
147 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, crude humour, brief sex

It takes far too long to arrive at its destination but Triangle of Sadness becomes a surprisingly satisfying ride.
This is a bitingly satirical commentary on today's society by writer and director Ruben Östlund in his first English language feature.
It stars Harris Dickinson as male model Carl - a young man with little talent and a beautiful but shallow YouTuber girlfriend (Charlbi Dean).
Laboured early scenes see him trying to impress a panel at an audition and the couple arguing pitifully over who pays the bill for a meal at a fancy restaurant.
The film then moves to a luxury yacht where they are alongside ultra-wealthy guests and a crew who fawn to their every whim.
The exception is the communist captain (Woody Harrelson) who spends most of the time locked away, drunk, in his cabin.
The trip highlights the difference between society's haves and have-nots and throws in some interesting tangents.
There is also a projectile vomiting scene which makes Monty Python's Mr Creosote seem like a bit of bile spit.
And then the movie completely changes tack in a most arresting and absorbing way.
Triangle of Sadness is a very good film and I probably would have been acclaiming it as an all-time favourite if it had not been so unnecessarily long.
Indeed, its slow opening prompted Mrs W to slip off to sleep.
However, perseverance has seldom been so well rewarded and its last 45 minutes are spellbinding.
It would be wrong, however, for me to write in greater detail because there are so many turns which all provoke serious thought.

Reasons to watch: Offbeat comedy
Reasons to avoid: The Mr Creosote scene

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Lots
Nudity: None 
Overall rating: 9/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? Luxury cruise company Six Star Cruises runs a 123-day voyage across 11 countries costing £1 million per couple. 

The final word. Ruben Östlund: “It’s not OK to exploit another human being and pay them a s*** salary. And it’s not OK to make a huge profit, using other people. It is that simple.” Independent

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