354. Lady Chatterley's Lover; movie review


Cert 15
126 mins
BBFC advice: Contains nudity, strong sex, language

Much has changed since DH Lawrence caused a storm with his descriptions of explicit sex and avalanche of four-letter words with his novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover.
It is more than 60 years since his uncensored work was published in the UK but we have now become so desensitised that strong sex and bad language barely causes a stir and doesn't even earn a movie a 18 certificate.
But without its original shock value, there really isn't much to this tale of the frustrated aristocrat's no-holds-barred romance with her husband's gardener.
Worse still, Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre's script is so bland that all characters are paler than we would expect given the original text.
Emma Corrin plays Constance Chatterley, who marries happily but sees her husband (Matthew Duckett) change beyond recognition after coming home with severe spinal injuries after the First World War.
His loss of interest in her prompts her to follow her desires elsewhere.
Step forward, initially bashful gardener, Oliver Mellors in the shape of Jack O'Connell.
We are fans of local lad Jack having followed his career since its beginnings and admire his considerable talent but he is miscast here.
Frankly, he neither has the height nor the bulk that one would expect of the part.
Indeed, we couldn't help thinking that he and Corrin looked rather awkward as they frolicked naked.
They weren't the only scenes which jarred - frankly, Mrs W and I found most of the movie risible. 
It may be that the novel is so far out of its time, it just doesn't work in 2022 - certainly, this adaptation made us think so.

Reasons to watch: More than an eyeful of youthful flesh
Reasons to avoid: Not nearly dramatic enough

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 3/10

Did you know? Originally published in Italy in 1928, 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' had been banned in the UK until 1960 on grounds of obscenity, though a limited, expurgated and heavily censored imported version had been available. 

The final word. Emma Corrin: "I think it's a really unique tale about love and people who really fight for what they want. Also, I think Laure is such a visionary, and the way we all worked to portray sex on screen was quite singular. I think we've done something quite bold and quite different!" Buzz Feed

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