16. Tár; movie review


Cert 15
158 mins
BBFC advice: Contains sexually abusive behaviour

Crikey, Cate Blanchett gives an astonishing performance in Tár which was a truly unexpected joy.
I had been put off Todd Field's film by Blanchett's rather coy interviews and trailers which make it seem far more offbeat than it is.
But it is a wonderful insight into the fiendishly competitive world of classical music and has a very sharp spike in its tail.
Blanchett plays the title character, Lydia Tár - a hugely successful and respected conductor and composer.
She is incredibly driven, bringing the finest detail to her work and also demanding the very highest standards of those who are in her orbit.
However, there is a very fine line between professional requirements and her own personal agenda.
This is a precise movie. The maestro and her acolytes go into minute detail over their work while in exhausting rehearsals, teaching sessions and even over dinner.
It is also stylish - all of the characters care about their appearance, even the old men.
But it also suggests that classical music is rife with intellectuals back-stabbing each other.
And then there is the question of whether power can corrupt and how those at the top seek to gain personal and political advantage.
While Blanchett steals the show, the support is also top-notch with Nina Hoss as Tár's wife and Noémie Merlant as her promotion-hoping assistant.
Oh, and watch out for Mark Strong as we have never seen him before.
We learned a heck of a lot about the classical music industry during Field's picture but even more about Blanchett.
We were already aware that she is one of the finest actors of her generation but this is her greatest performance yet - it is so magnificently nuanced, a genuine tour de force.
Tár 's poor American box office figures have clearly put off many British multiplexes from showing it but I would heartily recommend searching it out.
Ok, it is half an hour too long but Blanchett deserves the entrance fee and its denouement is worth waiting for.

Reasons to watch: Cate Blanchett is magnificent
Reasons to avoid: Too long

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 9/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? In 2022, 36.4% of orchestra conductors in the United States were women and 63.6% of orchestra conductors were men.

The final word. Todd Field: "The classical music world is a rich and interesting one for me but, in terms of the story, it’s a backdrop. It could’ve been any kind of pyramid scheme, any kind of power structure. It could’ve been a multinational corporation or an architectural firm. Pick your poison." Indiewire

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