36. Sevda Mecburi Istikamet; movie review


Cert 12A
97 mins
BBFC advice: Contains moderate bloody images

There is no doubt that Sevda Mecburi Istikamet has its heart in the right place but I wondered whether its outcomes were too simplistic.
This is because one of its central characters is autistic and it seems as if her father is effectively attempting to cure her.
My understanding is that autistic people would react very badly to any changes in routine and their behaviour could not simply be modified by kind words.
However, Mrs W, who has volunteered with adults with learning difficulties for many years pointed out that, like anyone else, autistic people are individuals and, consequently, their behaviour is just as difficult to predict. Obvious really.
So, let's give Çagan Irmak's film the benefit of the doubt and concentrate on its good bits.
First off, there is an excellent performance by Selçuk Yöntem as a fading actor who was once a major star of Turkish cinema.
After being killed off in a TV series, he takes a call that his former wife and film co-star (Sevda Aktolga) is dying.
This inspires him to take a greater role in the life of his autistic daughter (Selin Sekerci) .
Initially, he thinks he knows how to relate to her but clearly doesn't and so comes into conflict with her nurse (Günay Karacaoglu) who has been with her almost all of her life.
But gradually, he realises that recounting his and her mother's love story may be the key to unlocking her heart.
Thus, we see their heartrending, vibrant and controversial tale, played out by Kubilay Aka and Elif Ceren Balıkçı as their younger selves.
Inevitably, the narrative has its highs and lows as does the actor's attempt to connect with his daughter and there are some lovely, poignant moments
As said, my beef was that the denouement but, as Mrs W and my further reading suggest, I may be the one in the wrong.

Reasons to watch: Heartrending story
Reasons to avoid: Resolutions seem too simple

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? It is not known exactly what causes autism though it is widely believed to be the result of an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. This means that a child can be born with the potentiality toward developing autism which is later triggered by physical factors in their environment.

The final word. Selin Şekerci: "I watched everything that could be watched, interviews and speeches of people with autism… Ozan, the son of Sedef Erken, the script and production consultant of the film, is also on the autism spectrum. I spent 15 days completely with him." Hurriyet Pazar

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