8. The Old Way; movie review


Cert 15
95 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong violence

It is always with a sense of trepidation that I watch a Nic Cage film because the range in quality is so wide.
I am, therefore, pleased to report that The Old Way is a rather refreshing, if not too deep, western.
And it introduces fabulous Ryan Kiera Armstrong - a 12-year-old who steals the picture in a similar way to Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit.
She plays the daughter of Colton Briggs (Cage), a notorious gunslinger who has become a humble shopkeeper after marrying the love of his life (Kerry Knuppe).
However, his mean streak returns after a murderous outlaw gang turn up at his homestead.
While it has similar basics to any western, Brett Donowho's film is more offbeat than most thanks to its central characters.
Cage's Briggs is low-key but merciless, a man who uses words sparingly but with the same devastating effect as bullets from his rifle.
His meanness is mirrored by the gang's unhinged leader, played with gusto by Noah Le Gros.
But much of the film revolves around Armstrong's tough-as-nails gunslinger's daughter who is taught how to face down bad guys as the film progresses.
She is a girl without fear and her wit is nearly as fast as her hand on the draw.
Some critics have written that there is nothing new in The Old Way, as its title might suggest, but it had enough impact to encourage me to will on its heroes in pursuit of revenge.
Therefore, it was certainly worth watching.

Reasons to watch: Great debut from Ryan Keira Armstrong
Reasons to avoid: Some hackneyed elements

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? In his heyday, Nicolas Cage spent $150 million on 15 homes, including one haunted mansion, two islands, a dinosaur skull, a Lamborghini, exotic pets and a rare vintage comic book.

The final word. Brett Donowho: "As a father to three daughters, it's a story with great personal meaning that I just had to tell. We cover a lot of ground - from gunslinging to mental health." Reddit

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