53. Titanic; movie review


Cert 12A
195 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, nudity, intense threat and disturbing images

Is it really 25 years since Titanic swept across the big screen?
This will be the third time it has been re-released since my everyfilm quest began in 2011 and both Mrs W and I still love it as much as we did back in 1997.
In fact, my view hasn't changed since my review on its 15th anniversary which I reprise here.
Go out and enjoy Titanic - it will be a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day.

The journalist was asked in, offered a cuppa and cake and the chat went along the expected lines.. Q: "What's the recipe for a happy marriage?'' A: "Never sleep on an argument.''

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It was all pleasant if a little mundane and the reporter was just packing up when they asked what hacks call the bucket question and asked the couple if there was anything else they wanted to say.
"Well, I suppose you could put in that we both survived The Titanic, '' came the reply.
One presumes that the article took a slightly different tone, thereafter.
Of course, I was reminded of this as I watched James Cameron's magnificent movie which has been re-released to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the great liner (sorry, if that was a spoiler).
And magnificent is not a word I use loosely. This is one of the greatest movies ever made.
I loved seeing it again and not only found the film's detail incredible but was also astounded by how fast nearly three and a half hours flew by.
On the downside, the 3D is a rip-off. It adds nothing whatsoever and 2D is just as good for recapturing the big-screen experience.
Nevertheless, it was wonderful to see it again and I'm on something of a high having done so.
For the uninitiated, the movie picks on the story of an American socialite (played by Kate Winslet) who falls for a tearaway artist (Leonardo Dicaprio) after he saves him from jumping from the ship.
She had been in a state of distress because of her betrothal to a very wealthy but appalling businessman (Billy Zane).
Their tale is told by the woman who is now more than 100 years old (Gloria Stuart).
The love story is riveting but what makes it even more so is that it continues through the Titanic's death throes after it hit a giant iceberg.
This is a movie on a giant typically Cameron-esque scale but it is in no way overblown in the way that Avatar is.
Scarcely, a scene is wasted and in my post-movie elation, I was thirsting for more.
It doesn't matter if you have it on DVD and have watched it 100 times - take the chance of seeing it on the big screen again - it's where it belongs.

Reasons to watch: All-time classic
Reasons to avoid: A little too schmaltzy?

Laughs: Two
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 10/10

Did you know? In 1985, the wreck was finally located by a joint French–American expedition led by Jean-Louis Michel of IFREMER and Robert Ballard of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

The final word. James Cameron on Leonardo DiCaprio: " I had to really twist his arm to be in the movie. He thought it was boring. [He] accepted the part only when I convinced him that it was actually a difficult challenge. It didn't surprise me, first of all, that he's made a lot of authentic choices going forward. And secondly, I never doubted his talent.” Outlook

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