55. Blue Jean; movie review


Cert 15
97 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, sex, sex references, homophobia

Why should anyone's sexuality be of concern to the rest of us?
And yet I have just read that a British Social Attitudes Survey in 1987 found that 75% of the population said that homosexual activity was "always or mostly wrong", with just 11% believing it to be "not wrong at all."
I was a student in the early 1980s and witnessed how difficult young gay men and women found coming out.
We were in a liberal environment and other friends and I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Live and let live, we thought - and still do.
Nevertheless, gay people were faced with widespread suspicion and this was heightened by the Government's unnecessary creation of clause 28 which forbade public officials from "promoting homosexuality"
This is the backdrop for Georgia Oakley's Blue Jean whose title character is a gay PE teacher (Rosy McEwen).
She keeps her sexuality under wraps but her life becomes complicated when a 15-year-old student (Lucy Halliday) turns up at the lesbian club she frequents with her more open girlfriend (Kerrie Hayes).
Initially, it was difficult for us to empathise with Jean - she faces obstacles which weren't there for us - and she seems to be emotionally stunted.
However, after a while, we began to understand the pressure on her, socially and professionally.
Blue Jean certainly gives an insight into the prejudice that those from the LGBTQ+ community have had to endure.
It also gives an interesting flavour of the very different way they feel able to handle outside influences.
However, it is a slow burn and repeats situations unnecessarily - it is almost as if Oakley doesn't believe the audience will get it the first time around.
Nevertheless, its heart is in the right place,

Reasons to watch: Insightful look back at more prejudiced times
Reasons to avoid: The lead character is very uptight

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Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? Section 28 or Clause 28 was a legislative designation for a series of laws across Britain that prohibited the "promotion of homosexuality" by local authorities. It was in effect from 1988 to 2000 in Scotland and from 1988 to 2003 in England and Wales. 

The final word. Georgia Oakley: "I wanted to create something that was inspired by the classics from the time, rather than a film that alluded to the 1980s" Cineuropa

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