72. Nothing Lasts Forever; movie review


Cert 12A
84 mins
BBFC advice: Contains  infrequent strong language, suicide references

Could you tell the difference between a 'real' diamond and a synthetic one and does it really matter?
The controversy over the provenance of precious gems has been pushed to the fore in recent years with industry leaders being forced to embrace 'grow-your-own' diamonds.
For decades, they have claimed that only the real McCoy had the colour, clarity, carat and cut.
But Jason Kohn's documentary seeks to prove that they may have known more than they were letting on.
It also examines why diamonds have become so intrinsic to modern life despite being so expensive and, frankly, so common.
Nothing Lasts Forever includes interviews with experts in the field, including representatives of market-leading companies, De Beers and Rapaport.
Kohn also finds key witnesses to the diamond industry's transformation as he trails around trade fairs, conventions and laboratories in countries as diverse as the USA, South Africa, China and India.
Key contributors question the value placed on diamonds and the marketing which has made them synonymous with romance.
It also asks why anyone should care if they have a natural or synthetic product when so few can tell them apart.
The problem is that the film is presented as if all of the audience will have a prior understanding of the diamond industry.
So, it is taken for read that they will not only be aware of the big-name diamond companies but also how the gems are produced and their route to market. Thus, this detail is passed over very quickly.
Mrs W. wanted to delve more into this murky world, so we needed the bigger picture as well as the specialist detail and opinion.

Reasons to watch: Shocking revelations about the diamond industry
Reasons to avoid: For insiders rather than the public

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato, who had been running two competing diamond operations, decide to join forces and consolidate their companies to form De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited on 12 March, 1888.

The final word. Jason Kohn: "It was so difficult to make this movie because nobody wanted to talk about it. People were so scared of this product, scared of mixing, scared of people finding out about mixing. " The Film Stage

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