80. Michael; movie review

Cert 15
152 mins
BBFC advice: Contains  strong violence, bloody images, language

Indian cinema fans love a brutal hero with a heart of gold and they've got one with stellar credentials in Michael.
Yep, he spares absolutely no prisoners until he meets a pretty girl (Divyansha Kaushik) who nearly proves his undoing.
Ranjit Jeyakodi's gangster movie overflows with violence during its entire two and half hours. 
And the title character, played by Sundeep Kishan, is responsible for the majority of the huge body count, taking up to 20 henchmen at a time.
Indeed, he repeats his against-the-odds, slashing and shooting over and over.
Michael is an orphan who has grown up with the strength of many men and a scant care for life.
He is taken under the wing of the most notorious crime lord in India (Gautham Vasudev Menon) but his head is turned by the aforementioned flashy dancer and things go in an entirely different direction.
Michael had me torn - on one hand I was engaged by Kishan's anti-hero and his motivations which are revealed in an unexpected and potent finale.
However, the number of bloody brawls is so high that they become rather tiresome and the film is bulging with thin stereotypes.
And it is way too long, given its relatively unambitious plot - two hours would have more than sufficed.
But, on the plus side, I would like to see more of Kishan - he certainly has a significant screen presence.

Reasons to watch: High on action
Reasons to avoid: Thin plot.

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Sundeep Kishan owns a restaurant chain in Hyderabad named Vivaha Bhojanambhu. He also started a salon business Express Unisex in Vijayawada.

The final word. Sundeep Kishan: "I want to deliver this kind of cinema which is very commercial but comes with a certain vibe. Choosing to da film like MIchael  is me trying to find the best in myself. To be very honest, Michael, to me, in lots if ways, is respect." Film Companion


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