108. Beyond The Dream; movie review


Cert 12A
119 mins
BBFC advice: Contains  mental health references, self-harm, domestic abuse, moderate sex, language

Here's one for the romantics... pretty people falling in love when they really shouldn't do.
Kiwi Chow has delved into the study of mental illness to look literally Beyond The Dream with the help of compelling contributions from Cecilia Choi and Terrance Lau.
Lau plays Lok who comes to the aid of a young woman having a mental breakdown in the middle of a busy Hong Kong street.
Choi's Yan-Yan joins him and the pair go on to have a tentative relationship. Or do they? Lok's illness means he can create an imaginary friend who seems very real.
And then he comes into contact with Yip Lam, a highly rated psychology student who just happens to be Yan-Yan's lookalike as well as his therapist.
Beyond The Dream examines where reality begins and ends for the confused young man but it also reveals the frailties of his inquisitor.
Chow's film is a most unusual love story which keeps the audience guessing even after its finale.
Lau gains empathy as Lok whose vulnerabilities come to the fore every time he appears to have found stability.
Ironically, Choi's Yip Lam is more complex and almost invites viewers to despise her.
Beyond The Dream requires patience - its early stages are slow and rather difficult to grasp but its rewards come in a compelling second half.
There are surprises and, by its end, we are not just left thinking about people with mental health problems but also ourselves.

Reasons to watch: Unusual love story
Reasons to avoid: Very slow

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? A recent study found that 7.5 per cent of respondents reported experiencing an imaginary friend as an adult. However, the sample was acknowledged as being small.

The final word.  Kiwi Chow: "For a long time, I always wanted to be closer to those who are suffering. I want to know and learn more about them, and even speak up for them." ABC

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