93. The Son; movie review

Cert 15
123 mins
BBFC advice: Contains  mental health theme, suicide, self-harm

There should literally be a parental warning on The Son - because it may be too traumatic for many mothers and fathers.
Florian Zeller's movie plays out the horrors of a teenager with extreme mental illness and how his divorced parents try desperately to haul him out of the abyss.
Hugh Jackman gives the performance of his life as Peter, a highly successful political strategist who lives with his new wife (Vanessa Kirby) and baby.
His ex is portrayed with great passion by Laura Dern as a woman going out of her mind with worry over their 17-year-old, Nicholas  (Zen McGrath).
The red flags begin to wave when the school rings his mum to say he has not been attending for a month.
She is stunned because he leaves every day as normal but it transpires he has been walking the streets all day.
Gradually layers are peeled and she admits that their relationship has broken down, so his dad agrees for him to move in.
Thereafter, the adults are challenged with how to handle a son who would appear to any outsider to be in desperate need of help.
One of the key problems is that, having been divorced, the parents are competing for his affection rather than doing the right thing.
Meanwhile, Jackman's character has his own demon in the form of his monstrous father, played superbly in a grotesque cameo by Anthony Hopkins.
Zeller's movie shows just how pressure can build up on parents as decisions need to be made for the benefit of their child's future.
Indeed, Mrs W. and I both gasped at some made with the best intentions.
It all adds up to one of the most emotionally draining movies of this or any other year, executed with pinpoint accuracy.

Reasons to watch: Brilliant acting
Reasons to avoid: Many upsetting scenes

Laughs: None
Jumps: One
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 9/10

Did you know? According to a report by D'Onofrio and Emery, children from divorced families may experience more conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than kids from two-parent families.

The final word. Florian Zeller: "I knew if I got an opportunity to do another film it would be The Son. It’s a story I felt needed to be told. When the Father came out everything was already there in my mind and I was ready to jump." City AM


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