99. My Sailor, My Love; movie review


Cert 12A
102 mins
BBFC advice: Contains domestic abuse, upsetting scenes

Family relationships can often be tricky, especially when folk become older.
The dynamic between a curmudgeonly elderly father (James Cosmo) and his ultra-anxious daughter (Catherine Walker) is at the heart of My Sailor, My Love.
Cosmo's Howard is a retired sea captain who lives as a recluse on the beautiful Irish coast.
Worried about his health, his daughter hires a part-time home help (Brid Brennan) much to the initial distaste of the old fella.
However, gradually he warms to her and a late-in-life romance begins to bloom.
Meanwhile, Walker's character struggles to keep her own life on a even keel as she frets about her dad and holds the tragic past against him. 
My Sailor, My Love benefits from a high-quality cast - Cosmo, Walker and Brennan are all so effective that their characters engendered a gamut of reactions from exasperation to delight.
The setting also evokes passion, with the waves bufeting the coast beneath Howard's lovely old-fashioned cottage.
Klaus Härö's film is a powerful story of late love and, while it is a slow-burn, it worked for us.

Reasons to watch: Engaging love story
Reasons to avoid: Slow-burn

Laughs: One
Jumps: One
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? James Cosmo has an incredible CV including  Highlander, Braveheart, Trainspotting, Troy, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Last Legion and Wonder Woman as well as Game Of Thrones.

The final word. Klaus Härö: "The cast has been an immense joy from the moment the roles were confirmed and when we first went on set."

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