190. The Big Lebowski; movie review


Cert 18
112 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language and sex references

Confession time. I had never previously seen The Big Lebowski. 
Indeed, it is probably the biggest gap in my movie-watching odyssey. So, I was delighted to put that right following its 25th-anniversary release.
And I can certainly understand why it has such a devoted following and has become known as a Coen brothers classic.
At its heart are some great writing and the brilliance of Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman et al in an ensemble acting masterclass.
For the uninitiated, The Big Lebowski, aka The Dude is played by Bridges and, in the opening scenes, is mistaken for a rich businessman of the same name.
The latter's wife owes money and raiders stuff The Dude's head down a toilet and pee on his rug as persuasion to get their cash back.
Egged on by his bowling pals (Goodman and Steve Buscemi), he goes to see his millionaire namesake (David Huddleston) in an attempt to be compensated for the aforementioned rug.
This begins a bizarre and occasionally hilarious chain of events including a kidnapping, ransom demand, sex with a crazy artist (Moore) and lots of ten-pin action.
I've enjoyed every Coen Brothers movie I have seen with the exception of Inside Llewyn Davis and definitely appreciated The Big Lebowski - but I can understand how it splits audiences.
Some will empathise with The Dude's ultra-laid-back, pacifist attitude to life and some will loathe it.
I could not persuade Mrs W of its worthiness with my praise for its smart script and the cracking performances (my favourite is Goodman as the constantly on-the-edge Vietnam veteran).
She just didn't enjoy it.
But, while I was glad I have finally caught up with it, I can't say it would inspire me to change my life as it apparently has some folk.

Reasons to watch: A Coen classic
Reasons to avoid: Very offbeat

Laughs: Four
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Did you know? The Big Lebowski has even spawned a religion. Dudeism is devoted largely to the philosophy and lifestyle of Jeff Bridges' character and was founded in 2005. It has ordained over 130,000 'Dudeist Priests' via its website.

The final word. Jeff Bridges: "I got the script and I said 'What!?' This is like a high school version of me. Are you guys spying on me or something?'" entertainment.ie

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